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Archer Stock Fund
The Fund seeks to maximize capital appreciation by investing in the most attractive equity investment opportunities regardless of company size, sector, industry, or country domicile.
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Investment Strategy
The Archer Stock Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by investing in securities that the managers believe are undervalued. Investments are normally limited to the manager's fifty best ideas and are focused on finding the most attractive opportunities regardless of company size, industry, or country of domicile.
Actively managed to enhance shareholder value by avoiding group think and investing in companies in which we have a deep understanding.
Seek opportunities where the market has underestimated the growth and intrinsic value of the company.
Rigorous, hands-on, fundamental research to identify opportunities.
Quantitative model to execute buy and sell discipline and manage risk.
Q3 2023 Schedule of Investments
Q1 2023 Schedule of Investments
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